HCPC registered Counselling Psychologist

HCPC Registered integrative, humanistic and collaborative counselling psychologist offering online, telephone, and indoor and outdoor face to face sessions serving clients locally in East Kilbride and remotely anywhere in the world."Valere" in Latin is a word meaning to be healthy or strong. Therefore the intention behind our counselling service is to promote strong mental health. Please use the "Schedule Appointment" button below to make a free 20-minute initial consultation now.Testimonials:
*"Louise was extremely helpful and insightful. Really made me understand at a deeper level the problems I was facing and was practical in helping me work through these. She is a fantastic communicator and extremely empathetic. I couldn't recommend her enough." *(Anonymous)
"Louise has helped me deal with a difficult and uncertain time in my life, without her I don’t know what I would have done." (Anonymous)"Louise you have been a Godsend. I am now a completely different person from last year. Thank you.” (Anonymous)"Louise listened to me, did not judge but helped me to think things through. She definitely helped me when I was at a low point." (Anonymous)*"I am delighted with the support I have received during my counselling sessions with Louise. Having been through counselling twice before, this is the first time I feel that I have been able to make sense of my past and how things have affected my mental health. She has given me support strategies to help me take more control of my own mental health like book recommendations to suit my needs. She has shown me compassion and support throughout our sessions and has such a warm and caring personality and is an easy person to relate with." *(Anonymous)"I am a different person than I was 5 months ago due to the support I have had from Louise. I see things more clearly. I am able to distinguish what I can and cannot change and I am more accepting of this. I have seen personal growth, and I am more aware of my boundaries and hopefully will never forget my own boundaries and allow other people to disregard these, as they are important for my own health."(Anonymous)

© 2020 Valere Limited. All rights reserved.


We provide counselling online, by telephone or in the walking-talking format for individuals experiencing issues such as:• Depression
• Generalised Anxiety, Panic Disorders
• Agoraphobia, Social and Specific Phobias
• Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
• Personality Disorders
• Problematic Substance Use or Gambling
• Stress
• Difficult Life Transitions
• Interpersonal and Relationship issues
• Grief, Loss, and Trauma
• Sleep problems
• Workplace Conflict and Bullying
• Health-Related Issues such as Pain, Infertility, and Chronic Health Conditions
• Sexual, Emotional, Physical Abuse
This list is by no means exhaustive. Feel free to get in contact if you wish to enquire whether the service might be appropriate for you.Services are provided following the ethical guidelines of the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and aim to be sensitive to gender, sexuality, and cultural and religious diversity.Services are not provided which lie outside our competencies. This means that you can be sure we are trained and experienced to deliver the services provided.


You can self refer by contacting Valere directly.Please feel free to get in touch to see whether counselling is appropriate for you and is something you wish to pursue, or for information about availability and fees.Before seeking a referral to see a counsellor it may be helpful to discuss your difficulties with your GP, to address or rule out any underlying medical reasons for your problems. Some medical conditions present with psychological features (e.g. thyroid abnormalities), and it is useful to address these causes before anything else.Other things to consider before making an appointment are:-Making time to attend – It is usually important to be able to attend on a regular basis for treatment to be effective. It may be important to consider whether it is possible to make sufficient time in the weekly schedule to attend for an hour once a week or fortnight.
-Time to practice the techniques we discuss between sessions is essential.
-Late cancellation – 24 hours notice of cancellation is requested, otherwise a fee may be applied.


If you think that seeing a private counsellor is not the best way forward, please think about the following alternatives:SEE YOUR GP TO DISCUSS:Medication
Referral to wellbeing services at Wellbeing Scotland
READ ABOUT YOUR DIFFICULTIES:A wide variety of self-help books are now available in bookstores and online and can help you to make more sense of how you are feeling. See our recommendations on this site.

Confidentiality & Privacy

All personal information is held in strict confidence. Very rarely, confidentiality may need to be broken, if there is evidence of risk of harm to yourself or others. However, this will not generally be done without prior discussion with yourself and will be done for the purpose of mobilising extra support for you.Personal information is used in accordance with all UK laws concerning the protection of personal data, including the Data Protection Act 1998 and the GDPR 2016. Louise Legg is the data controller. If another party has access to your data we will tell you if they are acting as a data controller or a data processor, who they are, what they are doing with your data and why we need to provide them with the information. If your questions are not fully answered please contact Valere. If you are not satisfied you can contact the Information Commissioners Office.We will routinely collect your name and address (postal and email), date of birth, GP details and emergency contact details. During initial contact and then subsequent therapy, we will also collect other personal data relevant to assessing and treating your presenting psychological difficulties. Collecting this data helps: contact you to set up assessment and therapy, conduct a psychological assessment, devise and implement an effective treatment plan (therapy), communicate (when necessary and agreed with you) with relevant third parties to support your treatment and manage any risks which may arise.Any personal information we hold about you is stored and processed under our data protection policy, in line with The Data Protection Act 1998 (in force on the date this statement became operational) and the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) adopted on 27th April 2016 and enforceable from 25th May 2018.Your data will be kept for the lifetime of your status as a client. When you cease to be a client, your data will be kept for a minimum period of seven years, and a maximum period of ten years in accordance with General Medical Council guidelines.You have the right to ask for your data to be deleted but we do not to have comply with this request if there is a legitimate reason for continuing to retain this data (for example possible future legal requests). We will keep electronic invoices for seven years as this is the required length to comply with the HMRC requirements. After seven years we delete the invoices.

Fees and Reimbursement

Fees vary with the type of service that is provided. The current fee (as at August 2024) for individual therapy is £110 and payable on or before the day of the session. In some cases, the fees can be adjusted to take into account aspects of a client’s financial circumstances.Changed Appointments: If you want to change or cancel an appointment, notice of one full working day (24 hours) is required. If you do not cancel your appointment within this time period (or fail to attend), a late cancellation charge will be incurred. Occasionally people are prevented from keeping an appointment because of sudden illness or unexpected emergencies. If this happens to you, please contact Valere as soon as possible, and the fee will be waived.Broken Appointments: If you do not give notice of your inability to attend before your scheduled time, your non-arrival will be treated as a broken appointment, and the full session fee will apply.

Additional Information

FAQ’sDifference between Psychiatry and Counselling Psychology -Psychiatrists go to medical school and become medical doctors (MD). After that, they specialize in psychiatry during their residency. They primarily deal with mental illnesses and their biological bases. Psychiatrists can prescribe medication, and this often forms a central part of their treatment approach. They may also offer therapy, though some primarily focus on medication management. If someone thinks they might need medication for a mental health issue, or if they're dealing with severe mental illnesses, a psychiatrist might be the first port of call.Counselling psychologists typically have a PhD or DPsych in psychology, with a focus on therapeutic techniques, human behaviour, mental processes, non-pathologizing language and humanism. They address emotional, social, work, school, and physical health concerns, often focusing on more everyday life issues or developmental challenges. They provide psychotherapy or talk therapy and use various therapeutic techniques to help individuals cope with stress, make decisions, or navigate personal challenges. If someone is going through challenging life transitions, relationship difficulties, or wants to understand themselves better and develop coping strategies, a counselling psychologist might be the right choice.Psychiatrists are medical doctors specializing in mental health and can prescribe medication. Counselling psychologists have advanced degrees in psychology and provide therapy to help people navigate life challenges and emotional concerns. Both can offer valuable support for mental health, but they have different training and approaches.Difference between Psychotherapy and Counselling PsychologyThe term "psychotherapist" is broad and can refer to individuals with a variety of training backgrounds, from counselling and psychotherapy courses to more specialized psychoanalytic or integrative therapy training. The training usually involves several years of both academic study and practical experience. Psychotherapists work with a wide range of emotional difficulties and mental health issues. Their approach may vary based on their specific training, be it in cognitive-behavioural therapy, psychodynamic therapy, or another modality. If someone is looking to explore deep-seated patterns, past traumas, or wants a space to understand their emotions and behaviour over a longer duration, a psychotherapist may be suitable.Both psychotherapists and counselling psychologists in the UK offer therapeutic support. While "psychotherapist" is a broader term encompassing various therapeutic approaches, a counselling psychologist has specific training that merges therapeutic practice with an emphasis on scientific research. Both professions require rigorous training, but their academic and professional routes might differ.Further information:
For further understanding of the roles and distinctions between psychiatrists, psychotherapists and counselling psychologists please see:
NHS (National Health Service) - This provides comprehensive information about different healthcare roles in the UK, including both psychiatrists and psychologists.The British Psychological Society (BPS) - Their website offers detailed descriptions of the roles, training, and qualifications associated with different types of psychologists in the UK.UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) - This is a major professional organization for psychotherapy in the UK, and their website provides details about the training and roles of psychotherapists.

Therapy techniques and models

There are many different approaches to psychotherapy. Use of one method or another depends on the therapist's training, style and personality. Some therapists use one approach with all clients, others are eclectic, and some tailor their approach based on particular clients' needs, symptoms and personality.COGNITIVE BEHAVIOURAL THERAPY (CBT)Cognitive behavioural therapy is based on the concept that our emotions and actions are largely influenced by our thoughts. Research has shown that people tend to think unhelpful thoughts when they are feeling anxious or depressed. CBT can teach you techniques and strategies to modify unhelpful thoughts and behaviours so that you can better manage your mood.EMOTION-FOCUSED THERAPYEmotion-focused therapy (EFT) can be defined as the practice of therapy informed by an understanding of the role of emotion in psychotherapeutic change. EFT is founded on a close and careful analysis of the meanings and contributions of emotion to human experience and change in psychotherapy. This focus leads therapist and client toward strategies that promote the awareness, acceptance, expression, utilization, regulation, and transformation of emotion as well as corrective emotional experience with the therapist. The goals of EFT are strengthening the self, regulating affect, and creating new meaning.Website Links: What is EFT?PERSON CENTRED THERAPYPerson-centred therapy uses a non-authoritative approach that allows clients to take more of a lead in discussions so that, in the process, they will discover their own solutions. The therapist acts as a compassionate facilitator, listening without judgment and acknowledging the client’s experience without moving the conversation in another direction. The therapist is there to encourage and support the client and to guide the therapeutic process without interrupting or interfering with the client’s process of self-discovery.Person-centred therapy, also known as Rogerian therapy, originated in the work of the American psychologist, Carl Rogers, who believed that everyone is different and, therefore, everyone’s view of his or her own world, and ability to manage it, should be trusted. Rogers believed that all of us have the power to find the best solutions for ourselves and make appropriate changes in our lives. Person-centred therapy was a movement away from the therapist’s traditional role—as an expert and leader—toward a process that allows clients to use their own understanding of their experiences as a platform for healing.Website Links: Psychology TodayPSYCHODYNAMIC/PSYCHOANALYTIC THERAPYPsychodynamic therapy is the oldest of modern therapies. (Freud’s psychoanalysis is a specific form and subset of psychodynamic therapy.) As such, it is based in a highly developed and multifaceted theory of human development and interaction.Psychodynamic therapy focuses on unconscious processes as they are manifested in a person’s present behaviour with the goal of increasing self-awareness and understanding of the influence of the past on thoughts and behaviours, by exploring their unconscious patterns.Clients are encouraged to explore unresolved issues and conflicts and to talk about important people and relationships in their life. Transference (when clients transfer feelings they have toward important people in their life onto the therapist) is encouraged during sessions.Compared to psychoanalytic therapy, psychodynamic therapy seeks to provide a quicker solution for more immediate problems.MINDFULNESS BASED COGNITIVE THERAPYMindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) was developed by Zindel Segal, Mark Williams and John Teasdale and is a psychological therapy which blends features of cognitive therapy with meditative practices and attitudes based on the cultivation of mindfulness. This therapy involves accepting thoughts and feelings without judgement rather than trying to push them out of consciousness, with a goal of correcting cognitive distortions. The aim of MBCT is not directed to relaxation or happiness in themselves, but rather, a "freedom from the tendency to get drawn into automatic reactions to thoughts, feelings, and events". (Segal, Z., Teasdale, J., Williams, M. (2002). Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression).Website Links:
Psychology Today: Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy

Counselling & psychotherapy

Counselling and Psychotherapy are used interchangeably in the UK. Both help clients work through emotional or mental problems by employing various techniques. Often referred to as 'talk therapy,' psychotherapy uses communication techniques and discussion as the main means of helping clients work through mental or emotional issues. Counsellors and psychotherapists might work with clients for a couple of months to help them process a short-term goal or for a longer period to cope with severe mental illness. They usually work with individual clients. However, some work is done in a group setting. They help clients gain insight into their feelings, thoughts, and behaviours. Clients experiencing severe psychological distress or individuals dealing with common life stresses can benefit from psychotherapy.According to the Mayo Clinic, therapy sessions usually start with the therapist encouraging the client to talk about the thoughts and feelings that are troubling them.The therapist might ask questions or make comments to try to encourage the patient to talk freely and openly. The therapist may also have the client participate in activities or exercises designed to help the patient think through what was said at the session. The therapist will usually continue to schedule sessions with the client until he or she has worked through the issue.

Self Help Resources

Reading about your difficulties, using selected books and trusted websites, can be helpful. Below is a selection of websites collating books and/or techniques and exercises to help you feel better. Many people find that just by increasing their understanding of their difficulties, they feel some relief. An increased understanding can also help you to get the most out of any sessions you have with a therapist.DEPRESSION5 Best Books on Depression You Must ReadANXIETYThe 8 Best Books For Anxiety of 2020LOW SELF-ESTEEM27 Best Books to Improve Self-Esteem, Self-Worth, and Self-ImageSURVIVING TRAUMA
Top 10 Trauma Books for Healing
chronic pain - a self-help guide from Moodjuice online

About Us

Dr Louise Legg MBPsS, MBACP, DPsychDr Louise Legg completed her undergraduate degree in Mathematical Sciences (MA Hons) at Oxford University, England in 1998. Following graduation, her first career path involved finance, including qualifying as a Chartered Accountant and then an Actuary and working overseas. In 2017 she relocated to Scotland to embark on a second career as a psychologist. She completed a masters conversion degree in Psychological Sciences (MSc) with merit, specialising in Clinical Psychology at Glasgow University in 2018.As part of her professional psychotherapy training, Louise completed a postgraduate research degree with distinction in Counselling & Psychotherapy (MSc), which is accredited by the BACP, at Strathclyde University and volunteered as a counsellor to gain experience in different areas of psychotherapy, with a focus on trauma.She completed doctorate-level professional training in Counselling Psychology at Glasgow Caledonian University in 2023 and is registered as a Counselling Psychologist with the HCPC. This training has provided her with comprehensive and multi-theoretical training across all core areas of counselling psychology practice, as well as a strong grounding in academic research. Her research interests included outdoor talking therapy and exploring the experiences of inclusion and acceptance of autistic psychologists.Louise has volunteered as a counsellor at a GP surgery, several generic counselling services and a trauma-focused counselling service, alongside working in private practice for the last four years. She has experience working with individuals across the life span, with mental health issues and psychological distress.Louise qualified in 2020 as a psychotherapist and a counselling psychologist in 2023 and is registered with the both the BACP and HCPC to practice in the UK. Louise's practice encompasses working with adults and older adults experiencing psychological distress, providing a confidential and ethical counselling service.She works from a safe, inclusive, and non-judgmental perspective, utilising evidence-based therapeutic approaches, grounded in scientific research. She enjoys working with people of all ages.Louise works using an integrative and collaborative approach in therapy, which is dependent on the individual’s needs, preferences and goals. She is qualified in therapeutic approaches that include Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Person-Centred Therapy, Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT, Level 1) and integrates techniques from Schema Therapy, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy.Professional Registration Details
A registered psychotherapist with the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy
Graduate Member of the British Psychological Society (BPS)
Registered counselling psychologist with the Health and Care Professions Council


Valere Counselling
Call/Whatsapp +44 (0)7494 126776

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